Kieler Straße 27
25485 Bilsen

Telefon (auch im Notfall): 04106 799 660



Mo-Fr 8:00 - 16:30 Uhr


Besuchszeiten Klinik

Mo-Fr 8:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Sa, So und feiertags 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr


The so called FP4-Laser simultaneously produces four patented wavelengths. These different wavelengths have an impact on endogenous tissue. Each wavelength has its own quality. Combined they can lead to a relief of pain, are anti-inflammatory and can rebuild pathologically modified tissue.

The FP4-Laser is used for therapy of tendon-, ligament- or joint inflammations, arthrosis, poorly healing wounds or neurological diseases for example.

In most cases the FP4-Laser is used at least for 10 days 1-2 times every day.